Page name: Trivia for a Cookie [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-09-17 22:38:22
Last author: Lothuriel
Owner: Lothuriel
# of watchers: 31
Fans: 0
D20: 3
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Welcome to

Trivia for a Cookie*

How Things Work: Each month (hopefully soon, we can go back to weekly) a new fantasy/sci-fi/horror based trivia question will be posted. Each Elftown resident to answer correctly will get the featured cookie. Send your answer via message to [Lothuriel].

Question for the month of September - October 2008
In the original Batman Comic, what was the Batcave originally used for before, Bruce Wayne used it for Batman's lair?

Cookie Winners

Showcases past winners

The Last Question was: 
What does Yubaba use to control Haku in "Spirited Away"?

Answer: Slug

Trivia For A Cookie has won a place in The Wiki Awards. Special thanks goes out to everyone who nominated/voted for it and even more to those of you who play every week!

*This wiki has been put up for foster care by [Lothuriel]!! Please see Adopt a Wiki for more details!

Username (or number or email):


2005-01-24 [WonderTweek]: erm..?

2005-01-24 [Carrick]: It was by chaucer right?

2005-01-24 [Carrick]: What century?

2005-01-24 [Carrick]: I win!

2005-01-24 [Carrick]: *bows* *blinkblink* is any one there?

2005-01-24 [nokaredes]: you're supposed to message [Lothuriel] if you think you have it.

2005-01-24 [Carrick]: Well I guess well wait and find out. Go to google and copy paste(quote and all) and only two things show up!

2005-01-24 [WonderTweek]: no a lot of things show up..

2005-01-24 [Carrick]: you no wat? ill go to awiki and make my own trivia...well play for...uhhh....erm...wel itll be better than cookies. >: b

2005-01-24 [WonderTweek]: I still like this one copycat!

2005-01-24 [Carrick]: fine! well stay at this ne but only becasue im such a nice guy!

2005-01-24 [Oskas]: haha none of you know the true answer but

2005-01-24 [Oskas]: *stays quiet and watches everyone*

2005-01-24 [nokaredes]: I know, and I got my cookie already ^_^

2005-01-26 [aimfire]: I gots a cookie! *does the cookie dance*

2005-01-26 [WonderTweek]: I'm a idiot

2005-01-26 [Lothuriel]: c'mon guys! you only have til Friday night before the new question comes up!

2005-01-27 [Lothuriel]: No one had responded to the last question in a couple of days. I was not sure if I would be here Friday night to put in the new question so I put it up a day early...Have fun and take care! Love you all!

2005-01-27 [WonderTweek]: is it a what.. or a who that the elves brought?

2005-01-27 [nokaredes]: LOTR trivia is not as good as my quote trivia...

2005-01-27 [Lothuriel]: What did they bring....hehe

2005-01-27 [WonderTweek]: erm..-_-

2005-01-27 [Carrick]: Te he. I know!

2005-01-27 [Carrick]: Peanut Butter Cookie!

2005-01-28 [WonderTweek]: god.. I feel like a idiot.. cause i don't watch tv..

2005-01-28 [Carrick]: you dont need to watch tv!

2005-01-28 [WonderTweek]: tv = boring

2005-01-31 [Raventhorn]: *feels stupid and gives up.*

2005-01-31 [WonderTweek]: erm.. okay me and my stupid self donno crap i give up on this..

2005-02-01 [Kurai Tenma]: cool..

2005-02-01 [Perplexity]: I suck - Ihavent read those books since I was like thirteen. *hides in shame* I did buy the Lord of the Rings, all in one book, a massive softcover with teeeeeny weeny print heheh, after the movie came out - fully intending to reread... but um... *cough* yeah I dunno this answer.

2005-02-01 [Lothuriel]: Someone has to know this...C'mon Tolkien fans, don't disappoint me!

2005-02-01 [Panda-monium]: lol, give me a bit takes me time ter think...

2005-02-01 [Lothuriel]: ooohhhh *claps hands and acts all girly* this is so much fun....Hehe but, beware! Possa is tricksie...hehe

2005-02-01 [Panda-monium]: lol, I am thinking but for some reason It isnt coming ter me...

2005-02-01 [ワタリガラスの早死に]: they brought other elves?

2005-02-01 [Lothuriel]: nope

2005-02-01 [Draco Dralion]: lol @ [ワタリガラスの早死に] XD. Eh [Lothuriel], that's not a quote this week is it? Shouldn't you change 'Where did this quote come from' into.. I dunno, 'what's the answer on this question' or something ^_^

2005-02-01 [Lothuriel]: oops! You are right! LOL

2005-02-01 [Kurai Tenma]: Didn't they bring a sword of some type?

2005-02-01 [Lothuriel]: hehe...nope...

2005-02-01 [Kurai Tenma]: I will figure it out.

2005-02-01 [Lothuriel]: You are thinking too hard!

2005-02-01 [Panda-monium]: I dunno, bows?

2005-02-01 [Lothuriel]: *looks over her shoulder* Things aren't always as they seem!

2005-02-01 [Panda-monium]: lol, ahh, It was just a guess :P:P

2005-02-02 [Kurai Tenma]: a quiver! Lol... couldn't resist. Aragon.

2005-02-02 [Panda-monium]: LMAO.

2005-02-02 [Kurai Tenma]: I should know this... thinking too hard you say.

2005-02-02 [Panda-monium]: I know, I should know this too, and its bugging me...

2005-02-02 [Kurai Tenma]: It's killing me.

2005-02-02 [Panda-monium]: lol, well I think I'll live, but I wont be happy about it :P:P

2005-02-02 [Kurai Tenma]: I concur

2005-02-02 [Panda-monium]: *nods* Now, I just have ter think...

2005-02-02 [Lothuriel]: *Jepordy music* Would it be easier to ask What did they not bring?

2005-02-02 [nokaredes]: ^_^

2005-02-02 [FireGypsy]: eeek! this is a toughie!

2005-02-02 [Lothuriel]: hehe....I am loving this! I wish more people would play! *uses the force on all of will play, you will play... I don't think it worked...={

2005-02-02 [FireGypsy]: lol good try though. I dont have this book so im never going to figure it out lol!

2005-02-02 [Lothuriel]: *hints* look it up on the net!

2005-02-02 [FireGypsy]: *cries* i tried but i dont know where to look and google sucks! lol.

2005-02-02 [Lothuriel]: *hands her a tissue* It will be ok fair lasse, just try not to step in that

2005-02-03 [nokaredes]: is cool ^_^ ( is better)

2005-02-03 [FireGypsy]: dogpile? head of it lol! ill check it out! *bows and disappears*

2005-02-04 [Lothuriel]: Hey, just wanted to let everyone know that the new question will be posted and the winner(s) will be put up around 3:30pm EST today. Thanks for playing. THis has been a lot of fun!I will try not to make the next question so tricksie!

2005-02-04 [Yoruno]: Hey, nice wiki! *waves tail* I'll be waiting for the next question to give a try!

2005-02-04 [Lothuriel]: Give this one a go! You still have time! Thanks, I am glad you like it. You are more than welcome to bring some friends the next time you come! *tries not to look desperate*

2005-02-04 [WonderTweek]: hm..*thinks*

2005-02-05 [ArchangelGabriel]: i think you shouldn't give the answers away

2005-02-06 [Raventhorn]: .< i give up!

2005-02-06 [nokaredes]: yes, exactly...I might not get this one!

2005-02-06 [Lothuriel]: *hands out asprin and water for everyone*

2005-02-06 [FireGypsy]: I tried to answer this one, i dont know if i got it right yet.

2005-02-06 [WonderTweek]: I don't think I got it right...-__-

2005-02-06 [nokaredes]: I haven't even tried many guesses do you get?

2005-02-06 [WonderTweek]: I donno

2005-02-06 [Lothuriel]: You can guess as many times as you like. I don't mind. As for [FireGypsy], [WonderTweek] and a couple more, you will be getting your Oreos soon! Better have that glass of milk handy!

2005-02-06 [FireGypsy]: O_O i got it right! *jumps up and down* hehe =D

2005-02-06 [nokaredes]: psst...what was it?

2005-02-07 [WonderTweek]: yay I got it right!!

2005-02-07 [nokaredes]: psssst...what was it??

2005-02-07 [FireGypsy]: umm youll just have to research the topic yourself!

2005-02-07 [Carrick]: wait what as the elf answer?

2005-02-07 [nokaredes]: check out cookie winners...

2005-02-07 [FireGypsy]: I nominated this wiki for the Wiki Awards =D

2005-02-07 [nokaredes]: good! where can I second it?

2005-02-07 [Lothuriel]: Oh my goodness!! REally! You nominated this wiki for the Wiki Awards?!?!?! *Gives [FireGypsy] and big hug and kiss* Thank you so very much. I am more flattered than you know! I don't know what to say you guys....

2005-02-07 [ArchangelGabriel]: Would i be allwoed to snase it up a little? I can work wonders with wikis like Dracology for example

2005-02-07 [Lothuriel]: What would you have in mind? I don't really care for the wikis that are so large that it takes 10 minutes for someone with dial up to load.

2005-02-07 [FireGypsy]: lol your welcome! this wiki deserves it!

2005-02-07 [WonderTweek]: it does

2005-02-08 [ArchangelGabriel]: Right. Ok. Somthing simple but snazy. How about just titles and things?

2005-02-08 [ArchangelGabriel]: How about TfaC, if you like you could also have some low level graphics. if you only have one picture and then use that as many times as you like the wiki wouldn't be too heavy for your PC

2005-02-08 [Lothuriel]: I made a banner for this wiki but I will have to wait for my computer problems to fix before I can upload it. I thought about having a sub-category of questions. I haven't decided yet. If I use any graphics, I would want them to fit the theme of the wiki. Like cookies and candy and things like that. I will have to think about it for a while Thanks for the suggestions. I checked out Dracology and TfaC I was very impressed with both.

2005-02-08 [Peace_Turtles]: I want a cookie....

2005-02-08 [Lothuriel]: Answer the trivia question correctly and the great tiki will magically teleport an oreo to you

2005-02-08 [WonderTweek]: heh

2005-02-09 [ArchangelGabriel]: Cool, so do you want to make the changes?

2005-02-09 [Lothuriel]: Message me and maybe we can come up with something. I would like to wait until I get my other computer up and running. But in the meantime we can plan what we want to do. =}

2005-02-11 [Lothuriel]: [ArchangelGabriel]!!! Message me dang it!! LOL!

2005-02-11 [ArchangelGabriel]: right yes sorry.

2005-02-12 [Lothuriel]: LOL...

2005-02-12 [ArchangelGabriel]: errmm. ok. Just give me time. i'm juggling three thigns at once

2005-02-12 [Lothuriel]: No problems here dearie! Take your time. I am patient. 

2005-02-12 [ArchangelGabriel]: So what do oyu think of the updated version?

2005-02-12 [nokaredes]: oh, it's different now! I never tried the last one... :(

2005-02-12 [ArchangelGabriel]: got to keep up

2005-02-12 [WonderTweek]: heh

2005-02-12 [nokaredes]: but I almost know this specific do we need to be?

2005-02-12 [WonderTweek]: I tried I'm not sure if I got it right though

2005-02-12 [Lothuriel]: [ArchangelGabriel], updated version of what? I am a bit confused. [nokaredes] you can still answer the old question too if you want. I won't be posting the winners or the answer until Sun. And I just want to know who said it. That is all. You don't have to know the where when or how. =}

2005-02-12 [WonderTweek]: hueh

2005-02-12 [nokaredes]: I know where it's from...but who said it...?

2005-02-12 [WonderTweek]: did I get the question right? *wonders*

2005-02-12 [Lothuriel]: That's weird Kurt. I don't think I got your message. I looked through my past messages but I don't see it. Send it to me again if you don't care. loves and hugs

2005-02-12 [WonderTweek]: well according to my thing it says you read it but never answerd I'll send it again

2005-02-12 [nokaredes]: did you know there's a thing, at the top, where you can search for messages by a certain member? I love that...

2005-02-12 [WonderTweek]: yah

2005-02-12 [ArchangelGabriel]: Right. what do you like or not like about TFAC

2005-02-13 [FireGypsy]: *cries* why are there two of them =( =/

2005-02-13 [WonderTweek]: o0

2005-02-13 [WonderTweek]: HUH!!

2005-02-13 [ArchangelGabriel]: We're redesigning this page and i'm making a series of test versions

2005-02-13 [WonderTweek]: Oh.. Okay I understand. I like it

2005-02-13 [ArchangelGabriel]: Anything you dislike?

2005-02-13 [WonderTweek]: No

2005-02-13 [ArchangelGabriel]: Cool

2005-02-13 [WonderTweek]: Its awesome the way it is

2005-02-13 [Lothuriel]: Hey [ArchangelGabriel], I left a comment in TFAC I am logging off until sometime tomorrow so, if you get a chance in the mean time let me know what you think, ok? Thanks a bunch for helping!

2005-02-17 [ArchangelGabriel]: I like the new look. Thoghu you need to sort out that bold tag. try making the speech ittalic as well as bold

2005-02-17 [Yoruno]: Hey, cool cookie look! ^^

2005-02-18 [nokaredes]: ahw, I can't answer this one! you already told me!

2005-02-18 [nokaredes]: and Pam is the right answer...just not the right answer you were looking for! lol

2005-02-19 [Lothuriel]: Well you know [nokaredes] you do have a point. I guess I will give ya some credit for that one! LOL...

2005-02-20 [nokaredes]: Hey, this wiki is a lot better than the old wiki Guess...

2005-02-20 [Lothuriel]: Never heard of it. I might find the time to check it out someday...I have no idea why those stinking tags keep showing up!! Egad!!

2005-02-20 [WonderTweek]: o0

2005-02-20 [nokaredes]: I think I know used the italic tag and the bold tag at the same time, right? well, instead of italics,bold and italics,bold you have to say italics, bold and bold italics. if you didn't, that would mess up the other tags.

2005-02-22 [Yavanna]: She's right. You have to be carefull when nesting your tags (this is Lobsang in disguise, my normal acount is blocked). The wiki Guess belongs to my friend penguinlord

2005-02-22 [nokaredes]: You're blocked?

2005-02-22 [ArchangelGabriel]: No, I was watching a wiki with a swear word in the title so when it was changed everything was blocked. And i can't change this page. Only the owner can do it at the moment

2005-02-22 [Lothuriel]: [ArchangelGabriel] Try it now. I think you can edit now.

2005-02-22 [ArchangelGabriel]: Ignore the way it looks

2005-02-22 [nokaredes]: hey, at the top of the page (for me) it says [You have marked all the postings with the same subject in the thread after] [243098] [as read.]

2005-02-22 [nokaredes]: now it doesn't...grr

2005-02-27 [aimfire]: Dang you know I have to watch a New Hope Again!

2005-02-27 [Lothuriel]: LOL, Now would that really be a bad thing?

2005-02-28 [aimfire]: yes, New hope is the worst of the last part of the triliolgy

2005-02-28 [Kurai Tenma]: i like all of it...

2005-03-01 [Lothuriel]: The worst so far has to be Episode I *shudders* I think Lucas was temporarily stupid when he wrote it. Empire STrikes Back is by far my favorite of the originals! I love them all! A New Hope was the first movie I ever saw on the big screen, I was 5 and it was pure magic!

2005-03-01 [Kurai Tenma]: They are all awesome!

2005-03-08 [FireGypsy]: W00T this wiki won the wiki awards and is up at the wiki awards!

2005-03-08 [Kurai Tenma]: Coolio

2005-03-09 [Lothuriel]: Wow!! I am shocked! I don't know what to say except THANKS!! Thanks everyone for playing and having a great time!

2005-03-09 [WonderTweek]: lol Yay

2005-03-11 [Kurai Tenma]: I still can't find the answer... watched them all I don't know how many times, just in case.

2005-03-11 [Lothuriel]: LOL...I decided to leave this one up for two weeks instead of one....only one person has gotten all the answers so far!

2005-03-15 [Kurai Tenma]: I'm dumb... what can I say.

2005-03-15 [ArchangelGabriel]: Do you think this should be on the contest wiki?

2005-03-16 [Kurai Tenma]: prolly.

2005-03-16 [Lothuriel]: Hey all! What do you think then? Time for a new question or should I leave it up unitl Friday?

2005-03-17 [Kurai Tenma]: give it til friday. Why not.

2005-03-29 [Kurai Tenma]: OMG, I know this one. It's on the tip of my tongue.......

2005-03-30 [WonderTweek]: COOKIES

2005-03-30 [Kurai Tenma]: I want one.

2005-03-30 [Lothuriel]: =09

2005-03-30 [WonderTweek]: <<

2005-03-30 [Lothuriel]: For all of you who have answered the Trivia question correctly, your cookie will come to you shortly. As you all may or may not know, I had some issues with the cookies. Please throw away the Girl Scout Cookies from your houses if the guards did not already eat them. The rest of them are my own and you can keep them. I switched computers yesterday *bows to DELL* and it may take me a couple days to get some things in order. Thanks for playing..Love you all!

2005-03-30 [hive]: was it Merlin, i don't know but it sure is a cool quote ;)

2005-03-30 [Lothuriel]: No, not Merlin sorry...try again! The question will be up until Friday!

2005-04-02 [WonderTweek]: hmm...

2005-04-02 [ArchangelGabriel]: it's spelt: Klaatu Barada Niktó! i tihnk

2005-04-04 [Lothuriel]: I have seen/heard it as both.

2005-04-04 [WonderTweek]: Oo I'm confused

2005-04-05 [Lothuriel]: [WonderTweek] Didn't you get your cookie? There was a bit of a mix up. I did not realize those were the same words used in another movie (your answer) as well as characters from another movie (other acceptable answer)....did that make any sense?

2005-04-05 [WonderTweek]: Lol Yah it made sence *glomps you for getting a cookie* ^^

2005-04-06 [Wild Rose]: i got a cookie too ^_^

2005-04-06 [WonderTweek]: lol

2005-04-08 [The Maestro]: Ooh, more trivia.

2005-04-08 [Lothuriel]:

NOTE: The new question will be posted at midnight tonight, EST....

2005-04-17 [Lothuriel]:

Hey guys just to let you know. My scanner is on the blitz...may be a couple days before I can get your cookies to you. I will leave this question up until I get them out.  Good luck to all! Thanks again for playing!

2005-04-17 [ArchangelGabriel]: its probably all those crumbs. You should use a digi cam instead.

2005-04-17 [Lothuriel]: LOL...nah, it is actually our new computer. For some reason it keeps throwing up some kind of firewall against our software. I am attempting to download the stuff I need from the HP website.

2005-04-18 [WonderTweek]: lol

2005-04-20 [Lothuriel]: I finally got my scanner up and running but not before the kiddies gobbled up all the choco grahms. So, those of you who answered this week's question correctly will be receiving a very interesting breed of cookie! Enjoy!

2005-04-20 [ArchangelGabriel]: So, when is the new question comeing up?

2005-04-20 [ArchangelGabriel]: Ah, right now...

2005-04-20 [Kurai Tenma]: This sucks.... I have had nothing to do with HGTG

2005-04-20 [Yoruno]: *grin* Me neither, I'm quite a newbie... but I know this one ^_^

2005-04-20 [Kurai Tenma]: Well, I'll wait for another one...

2005-04-21 [ArchangelGabriel]: I think you might have to gt BOTH answers to this one...

2005-04-22 [Kurai Tenma]: Lol. I dont' mind to wait for the next question.

2005-04-22 [ArchangelGabriel]: i think you should try and read hitch hikers. It's not to far into the book and it's always best to read a book before you go to see the movie.

2005-04-22 [Lothuriel]: I agree! \

2005-04-22 [ArchangelGabriel]: *she says not haveing read it*

2005-04-22 [Yoruno]: *gah* I tought I knew this one... because of the weird translation a friend has been sending me... but I've missed the other part.. *damn*

2005-04-22 [ArchangelGabriel]: I can tell you now that it's not worth going through the HHGTTG wiki as i've yet to add an entry on this.

2005-04-22 [Yoruno]: No, I didn't meant that... it's just that after hearing so much about this, I requested a friend in Canado to talk to me about it... and he decided to translate the book and he's now sending me the pages... one by one

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